Digital Magazine Gratuito | Español | 96 A4 Páginas
Entrevistas: Absenta, Upcoming Devastation, Virulency, Our Omega, The Owner, COme Back from the dead, Black Desert, Elizabeth, Spin-Off, In Thousand Lakes, Ignominia, Xpus, A.n.i.m.a.l., Sadism, Pedophile priests, Arrayan Path.
Zona de críticas: Absenta, Abyssus, Adept, After the burial, Affliction Gate, Against the archaic, Angerseed, Arrayan Path, As Monuments Fall, Behind The Revolver, Benefactor Decease, Brutality, Bury Tomorrow, Crisix, Darkrise, Dementia 13, Destroyer 666, Digimortal, Dream Theater, Eastern Skies, Epilepsy, Exumer, Fault Lines, Grey Heaven Fall, Hate in Veins, High Hopes, Hysteria, Ignominia, Insision, In Thousand Lakes, Marasmus, Martyrium, Master, Mastication of Brutality Uncontrolled, Meadows End, Obscura, Plutonium, Pokerface, Psychotomy, Rotting Christ, Sadism, Scarleth, Serenity, Stomatopoda, Striker, Textures, The Maledict, Third Dim3nsion, Thrashfire, Vaginal Kebab, Vanagloria, Varathron, Virulency, Vomit of Doom, Votum, Wanderers.
Crónicas Live: Abysmal European Tour 2016, Cannibal Grandpa, Hills Have Eyes, More than a thousand, Not Today.
Live Shots: 13 segundos, Aborted, Architects, Continents, Dagara, Deceitful End, Exodia, Exumer, Gama Bomb, High Hopes, Holycide, Kataklysm, Kingdom of Giants, Lethal Vice, Parkway Drive, Septic Flesh, Sukra, The Fall of Atlantis, Thy Art is Murder
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